Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas/New Years

We had a very quiet Christmas and New Years holiday. We spent Christmas Eve with my family at my dad's and Christmas Day with my family at my mom's. We all exchanged gifts, ate a ton of great food, and just enjoyed hanging out with each other. It was nice not to be traveling, but we missed celebrating with Kole's family, we will be off to Illinois for Christmas next year with a little one in tow, hard to imagine right now! For New Years we had some friends over for dinner and just visited. We did toast with champagne during dinner even though it was a little early and we were in bed by 10:30. I fell asleep, but Kole stayed up to ring in the new year, he woke me up at midnight to wish me a Happy New Year and steal a new years kiss. We both really enjoyed the holidays and having some nice, relaxing time off work.