Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grandpa and Grandma Visit

 Grandpa and Grandma came for a quick visit a couple of weeks ago and we had a great time. They mostly hung with the kids and soaked up time while Kole and I worked and finished up the kitchen cabinet project we had been working on. They helped us with the cabinets and cooked yummy meals. We didn't go and do a lot, just hung at home and relaxed, it was really nice!
 I'm trying to be better at taking some pictures of the kids when they are in town, but somehow it doesn't happen until we are saying good-bye and they are running out the door to head to the airport. At least we got a few cute ones!

10 Months

 How is it possible that this little man is 10 months (closer to 11 now) old! The months are flying... We decided to wait and take him in for a check up at 10 months instead of 9 as it was the height of flu season and we were in no hurry. Dr. said he looks great and is doing everything he is supposed to. He had 3 vaccines this apt. two shots and one oral and he was NOT happy about getting shots :(

Grant Robert @ 10 months:
  • You weigh 18 lbs 6 oz - 19th percentile and are 30 inches tall - 88th percentile, you are a skinny guy, but you eat most of what we give you and are just constantly on the move
  • Still size 12 month clothes, 3 shoe and 3 diaper
  • You still have only 2 teeth which you have had since 7 months, the rest are in there just slow to come out I guess
  • You will walk all around furniture and stand un-assisted for a second or two, but I will be surprised if you walk much before your first birthday. You have mastered going up the stairs, but not down
  • Still put everything you can get your hands on in your mouth and look under furniture to see what you can pick up and eat, it's pretty gross!
  • You clap, give kisses and wave when we ask you too
  • You point to everything and make a sound that I swear is "what's that?"
  • You say ma-ma every once in a while, ball, and Grandpa and you call for Payton when she isn't in sight, but it doesn't really sound like a word, you say no no no and shake your head and hand which makes us laugh because we are always telling you no
  • You make a car sound when playing with a car or truck
  • You love the dogs and it's hard to keep you away
  • Still sleep 11ish hours at night and naps are better, morning and afternoon for 1-2 hours each
  • Love to take a bath and splash all of us in the process
  • Love to be outside and get mad when we come back in from playing
  • Do not love haircuts, we bought our own clippers to keep your crazy mop in check
  • Are trying new foods everyday, are refusing to eat baby food and are not loving your formula right now so dropping the bottle in about a month should be an easy transition
  • You keep us on our toes and wear mom out, but are still pretty happy and as sweet and cuddly as ever and we love you so!
Happy 10 months to our blue-eyed boy!