Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eleven Months

 WOW, in just a few weeks we will be celebrating this little guy's first birthday! The last month we have been hanging home more, working on various house projects and spending time with the two littlest Harms. We are ready for warmer weather and gearing up for lots of celebrating with friends and family (Easter, birthdays, baby shower, etc.) in the coming weeks.

Grant Robert @ 11 Months
  • Size 12-18 months clothes, 3 diapers (until the box is gone then we are on to 4s) size 3 shoe (I think he is about out of it though) we will get measurements in a few weeks at his 1 year appointment. I am trying to beef him up a bit in the meantime so he can graduate from his infant car seat. He's a skinny kid!
  • 3 teeth are in, looks a little funny, but more are coming soon! Some days they seem to really bother him and other days he is fine
  • Sleeping good, 11ish hours at night and two naps around 1-2 hours each
  • Still eating cereal and some baby food pouches when I can get him to, but mostly eats table food and if his sister has something he doesn't see on his tray, watch out, screaming and fits ensue.. This has lead to him sampling eggs and peanut butter before we were technically supposed to (12 months) but no allergic reaction so I think we are good
  • Drinking 3 formula bottles a day and milk and water out of sippy cups
  • Speaking of screaming and fits, we are trying to teach him some sign language to give him other means of communication, although the screaming works pretty well for him as he usually gets what he wants so we can stop the ringing in our ears. He has learned all-done and more which are pretty helpful at mealtime we are working on milk, water, eat, please, thank you
  • He says Mama, Dada, Grandpa, Papa, Nana, Dog, Ball, Book, More, Thank you, No, Uh-ou, Bottle, Whoa. He still has a word for Payton that she seems to recognize, but I can't explain what it sounds like
  • Has learned to crawl backwards done the stairs instead of going head first
  • Stands unassisted and takes a step or two, but I'm not sure if he will be walking by his first birthday
  • Loves to be part of the action when we have play dates and gets really mad (lots more screaming) if he isn't right in the middle of the kids playing
  • Loves to be outside, summer is going to be fun!
  • Is becoming more of a Daddy's boy (Payton's always been Mama's girl so seems only fair to Kole)
  • Has a temper! Throws objects, hits, lays on the floor and cries when he doesn't get his way, really at 11 months!? This makes me a little weary of the toddler phase...
  • Getting better with separation anxiety, made it all the way through in the church nursery last week for the first time :)
  • Busy, busy, busy - hence all the blurry pictures
  • Very happy and sweet and still adores his big sis
Happy 11 months little G, we love you so!!!