Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We have a 3 year old!?

Payton turned 3 on Saturday, April 6th. This year she really understood that it was her birthday and that she was turning another year older. She was pretty excited about it and about the party we were planning. She also understood that Grant was turning one and she seemed equally excited for him, she really does love her little brother. We had Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Kyle and Great Grandma in town the week of the kids birthdays which was a lot of fun. Payton loves having her people around and was pretty thrilled to have a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa. Kole had to spend the week in CA for a training for work so I has happy to have the extra help in his absence, but it was unfortunate timing as he missed out on visiting with his fam. Payton can definitely push our buttons at times and has her fair share of discipline at this stage, but we are very proud of the sweet, smart, caring, social, beautiful, little girl she is becoming and love spending time with her, having conversations about whatever comes to her little mind and being her parents.

Payton @ 3 years old
  • Measurements: 31 pounds - 52%, 38.5 inches - 81%, she also had her shoes on so her height may be inflated just a bit ;)
  • Is mostly potty-trained! We started working on it a little over a month ago when she started to show signs of being ready and she has done great. She has only had a handful of accidents when she gets distracted or lazy and has been very independent about it. She still wears pull-ups at night and nap, just in case, but we are very super proud of her!
  • Is sleeping in a big girl bed! A few weeks ago we decided it was time to say good-bye to her crib. Her last room related transition didn't go very well when we moved her out of her room to give Grant the "nursery". In fact I can still her screaming over the monitor "I don't yike my new bed!" Anyway, she has handled this one incredibly well. She was really excited about being a "big girl"slept great the first night, followed the rules we set for her, and has done the same every night since! She has quiet time every afternoon and she sleeps most days. The fun thing is she really enjoys playing in her room on her own now.
  • She's a great eater, will try most everything and is picky on occasion, but not too bad
  • She wears 3T and 4T clothing and size 7 shoe
  • She loves going to "School" at her Mom's Day Out program and I love that she has that for her
An interview with Payton at 3 years old:

What is your happiest memory?
Playing with my baby brother

Why do you like being a kid?
Being a girl and a kid

If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
A lion and a penguin and a cucock (have no idea!) and a monkey, because I just want to be those things

What do you like to do for fun?
Play arts and crafts

Tell about a funny time in your life.

What is your favorite thing to do? 
Play a game with daddy

What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Play barbies
What do you love most about your brother?
I like playing basketball with Grant

What is your favorite color?
purple and pink

Name two things we should do as a family on the weekend?
Play catch

What is the yuckiest  thing you can think of? 
Trash is a yucky thing

How old is mommy? 8
Daddy? 100

What does Daddy do for work? At his work
 What does mommy do for work? Work
What is Dad’s first name? huh…I don’t remember mommy
Mommy’s first name? Shannon Kole (this made me laugh so hard)

Favorite food: Eat Cereal
Favorite song: Boom Boom song (Luke Bryan's "Drunk on You")
Favorite TV show: Dora
Favorite Book: The Llama Llama book
Where do we live? Colorado Broomfield