Monday, July 19, 2010

Keystone Getaway & Kole's Birthday

We spent another great weekend with the Trujillo family up in Keystone and it happened to be over Kole's 28th birthday. We went up on Friday afternoon and after getting settled in the condo we headed up to Breckenridge to walk around and have dinner. On Saturday we took the kiddos swimming, well Payton and Ashtyn swam and little Eli laid by the side of the pool and watched. We had the pool and hot tub to ourselves the whole time we were there so it was really nice. After the pool the kids were wiped and all went down for a nap. The four of us sat out on the deck and had margaritas and snacks, it was so nice! Saturday night we celebrated Kole's birthday with his favorite meal that Jenn cooks and went to bed early. Apparently we're pretty boring these days! On Sunday we walked to Keystone Village and had breakfast at the cafe that's on the little lake. Miss Ashtyn got to feed the fish and watch the people in paddle boats, she though it was pretty neat. She is so much fun and has such a personality, it's hard to believe she was 6 months old when the 4 of us first went to Keystone, time is flying by so fast. Thanks Trujillos for a wonderful, relaxing weekend, the weather was perfect and it was awesome to have no plan! We are very lucky to have such great friends that are easy to travel with. We love you guys!

He tried to hold her hand! This was right before she had a melt down, apparently Eli was her space and she didn't approve, I think we may have a drama queen on our hands!

The whole crew in Breckenridge, hopefully there will be many more of these pictures to come over the years!

This is how Eli spent the pool outing, he is such a precious little guy!

Sweet little Ashtyn, she looks so deep in thought doesn't she?

Had to get a shot of the back of her head, she has the funniest hairdo back there!

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