Friday, August 13, 2010

Four Months

Payton Audrey turned 4 months old on Friday, August 6th. I have been waiting to post until she had her check up this morning. She is still as sweet as ever and becomes more and more fun with each passing day. The pictures below are from August 6th when Lexi came to spend the night and I took the girls swimming at the Broomfield Bay. The Bay is this great little water park about 5 minutes from our house. Lexi and Payton had fun in the pool and I enjoyed watching them. Lexi is so wonderful with Payton and it's pretty cool that I watched her when she was a baby and now she is old enough to watch my baby! Liz came by and took some official 4 month and family pictures on Saturday and I will post them as soon as I get them.

Payton @ 4 Months
Height: 25 inches - 79 percentile
Weight: 13 pounds 13 ounces - 56 percentile
Food: Still on momma's milk with a little formula here and there, but Dr. Yeash said we can start cereal at anytime so we may have some fun with that this weekend.
Sleep: Been sleeping through the night for about a month now, going to bed around 7:30 and waking up between 5:30 - 6:30, sometimes she goes back to bed but most of the time she is up for the day. She'll usually take a 1-1 1/2 hour morning nap and a 2-3 hour afternoon nap. She still loves her sleep!
New Tricks: Still smiling a ton and now full on laughing when tickled, bounced and entertained. Still not rolling over, but Dr. Yeash said she's strong enough we think she just has no use for it! She recently started playing with toys and chewing on them. She has noticed the dogs and finds them anytime they are in the room and is just fascinated by them.

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