Thursday, September 16, 2010

5 Months

Payton turned 5 months old on September 6th, and yes I realize we are now closer to 6 months than 5, but so goes the life of a working mom (at least that's my excuse). With each new month more of Payton's personality shines through, she is a happy, sweet little girl who can turn on the drama when she wants, she keeps us pretty entertained! We love you baby girl!
Payton @ 5 months
We go in for a 6 month check up in a couple of weeks and will get some measurements then.
Food: 100% on the bottle now, she sort of made this decision for us as she preferred the bottle over nursing, she's on a combination of mom's milk and formula to stretch out the supply of good stuff as long as possible. My goal was 6 months so we will revisit in a couple of weeks, The working/pumping mom thing is quite the commitment, but I'm happy to do it for her. We started solid foods just after she turned 4 months. So far she eats one meal a day, dinner. She's a pretty good eater and doesn't seem to be picky yet... A couple of weeks into it I decided to attempt to make my own baby food, to my surprise it was a lot easier and less time consuming than I thought. I started with 2 avocados, 2 pears, and 4 sweet potatoes, Kole and I spend about an hour and a half and we have over a month's worth of food, not bad! We're going to let her try banana in the next couple of days. She's just started getting excited about her dinner in the last week or so.
Sleep: Thankfully (we know we are lucky) Payton is still a great sleeper, she sleeps all the way through the night from 7-8pm to 7-8am, it is wonderful! She still takes a morning and afternoon nap, usually about 1-1/2 hours and 2 hours, but it varies.
New Tricks: She rolled over a couple of days before she turned 5 months, she can roll both ways if she wants, but still doesn't do it very often. She prefers to stand! She loves her exersaucer and is usually content to play by herself for about a half hour, it's great and allows us to get stuff done. We have started putting her in the pack n play on our main floor with some toys and she will play in there as well. The dogs are still by far her favorite thing and she has learned how to blow raspberries with her mouth, not so cute when she does it while she's eating!
Happy (belated) 5 months Payton Audrey!

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