Monday, November 29, 2010


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! The pictures are a little out of order, but it took me 40 minutes to load them all so they are staying where they are! Our holiday week started the Saturday before Thanksgiving when the Deckers (Tyler and Anna) invited us to join them for their annual pre-Thanksgiving celebration. The food was amazing and it was great seeing everyone, it was so sweet of them to include us this year. Lex came to hang out with Payton and I on Monday since I was off and she was out of school, we had a great day. Thanksgiving dinner was at Kelsey and Josh's this year and they did an amazing job cooking and hosting. Friday, the day after Thanksgiving we just hung out the three of us and took Payton and the dogs on a long walk. More stories following the pictures, but Thanksgiving 2010, Payton's first was perfect and we have much to be thankful for!Part of the crew from Tyler and Anna's

These pictures were taken with our video camera which doesn't take very quality pictures, but is it just me or do my daughter and husband have the exact same "are you done yet?" looks on their faces!?

That's better!

I love my family and friends, but I think Friday was my favorite day of the week, spending an entire day, just of 3 of us, never getting in the car, is pretty rare and I cherished every minute of it!

Uncle Brian came home for the holiday! We love when we get to spend time with him and Payton absolutely adores her uncles, I can't wait for her to spend more time with Uncle Kyle at Christmas!

Kelsey's beautiful tables

A deep fried Thanksgiving turkey has become a Baumgarten tradition

The one I am most thankful for :)

Brian sneaking stuffing before dinner

Josh and Obi

The Eruchalu's (minus twins), they have spent the last 3 Thanksgivings with us and they have become close friends

I love this picture, they are watching football, each with a twin "E" in-lap

The spread!

Payton slept right through dinner!

Tristan and Dixon

Payton had turkey and rice to celebrate, yum!

Hostess with the mostess!


I think Payton and Obi will really enjoy each other as soon as Payton is mobile (which will be any day now!)

Forever thankful for the addition of this sweet girl to our family!!

Tyler and Anna, Anna is due with their first in January and I am pretty sure she is the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen!

We've come to find out Tyler and Kole have a lot in common, believe it or not sobriety in this picture is one of them...

Lex had an appointment with Kels to get a haircut and highlight, it looked awesome!

Payton LOVES Lexi and Lexi as wonderful with her, it's was so nice to have an extra set of very helpful hands on my day off!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tristan and Dixon Sleep Over

Last weekend Grandma (Kole's mom) and Aunt Lana came to town for a quick weekend trip. We had a wonderful visit, except for Kole coming down with the flu and being out of commission Saturday and Sunday! Despite the sicky, I think Janaan got it in some good, much needed Grandma time. I realized we never take any pictures of Payton with Grandma and Grandpa when we are with them. The camera is always flashing, but it seems Grandma is always behind it and then the pictures go back to IL with her. I will have to make a point when we are back for Christmas to take pictures of Grandma and Grandpa with Payton, so she has proof when she is older that they visited, lots!! Anyway, Friday night we kept the Eruchalu twins, Tristan and Dixon, so mam and dad could get some much needed rest, as much as one can get when 15 month Obi is still in tow, I guess. The boys did great and I was so thankful to have Janaan and Lana here to help. They are very sweet and easy to soothe, it just needs to be done hourly during the night! I don't know how Amber and Williams are functioning, they are amazing parents! We were all pretty wiped on Saturday and Kole didn't move except from bed to couch, but I loved every minute of the lack of sleep and I think Janaan and Lana did too.
***You're probably thinking what kind of friend offers to keep premie twins only to risk their fragile health and expose them to her flu ridden husband?!?! The boys went home around 10:30 Saturday morning and Kole came down with the flu around 11am, awesome. I swear we had no idea he was sick! We dodged a bullet though, both boys are still flu-free, thank God!!
Dixon on the left, Tristan on the right. Payton was very curious and did pretty well being gentle. She did however, cry in her true dramatic fashion when I would hold one of them. Seriously!?

The boys were born at 35 weeks and weighed 3.3 and 4.3, they are now around 6 and around 7, can you see the difference!? They are finally the size of newborns and they are almost 2 months old, pretty crazy!

7 Months

You can see her two teeth in this shot...

On November 6th Payton turned 7 months old! I am way behind on the blog and she is now closer to 8 months, but oh well. Not to worry though, the pictures were taken on November 7th, we were traveling back from Oklahoma on the 6th so we missed the actual day. I think 6-7 months has been the biggest change so far for the little miss. She will sit and really play with toys and keep herself busy for 30 minutes to an hour at a time. She has been on her first official girls trip, she and Kelsey and I flew to Oklahoma on November 4th to spend the weekend with family and go to our cousin Kristen's baby shower. We had a lot of fun visiting with family and Brian even made the trip to visit. Payton did a great job with the travel and staying somewhere new. We missed daddy lots though!! I'm waiting for Aunt Patty to send me pictures from the weekend.

Happy (very) belated 7 months Payton Audrey, we love you!!

Payton @ 7 Months
Measurements: We don't go back to the Dr. until December so we will find out then! I think she's still growing pretty quickly as she has grown out of all of her 3-6 month clothes and a lot of her 6-9 month clothes. We are now buying 12 month clothes!
Food: I have lost track of all the new things she has tried. We tried meat after she turned 7 months, she wasn't that thrilled, but she has gotten better about it. She'll eat pretty much anything you give her and loves Cheerios and Gerber Puffs!
Teeth: She has two front teeth on the bottom. She got them within a coupe of days of each other and it really didn't phase her too much.
Sleep: This has gotten a little messed up since travelling to OK and having daylight savings while we were there. She still sleeps through the night, but has been waking up very early. Sometimes she will drink a bottle and go back to sleep and others she's up for the day. We are hoping this is a phase!! She still takes two naps, the timing is pretty consistent morning and afternoon each day, but the length is all over the place.
New Tricks: She sits on her own and plays for long periods of time and gets around by rolling. Daddy can make her laugh pretty hard by being his silly self. She wants so badly to crawl and be on the go, but she just hasn't figured it out yet. (thank goodness!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

6 Month Professional Pics

The lovely and super talented Liz came to town again, she squeezed us in with Steven's senior picture photo shoot and of course got some great shots. She is amazing! These were a few of our favorites and you can see all the pictures by clicking here.