Monday, November 29, 2010


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! The pictures are a little out of order, but it took me 40 minutes to load them all so they are staying where they are! Our holiday week started the Saturday before Thanksgiving when the Deckers (Tyler and Anna) invited us to join them for their annual pre-Thanksgiving celebration. The food was amazing and it was great seeing everyone, it was so sweet of them to include us this year. Lex came to hang out with Payton and I on Monday since I was off and she was out of school, we had a great day. Thanksgiving dinner was at Kelsey and Josh's this year and they did an amazing job cooking and hosting. Friday, the day after Thanksgiving we just hung out the three of us and took Payton and the dogs on a long walk. More stories following the pictures, but Thanksgiving 2010, Payton's first was perfect and we have much to be thankful for!Part of the crew from Tyler and Anna's

These pictures were taken with our video camera which doesn't take very quality pictures, but is it just me or do my daughter and husband have the exact same "are you done yet?" looks on their faces!?

That's better!

I love my family and friends, but I think Friday was my favorite day of the week, spending an entire day, just of 3 of us, never getting in the car, is pretty rare and I cherished every minute of it!

Uncle Brian came home for the holiday! We love when we get to spend time with him and Payton absolutely adores her uncles, I can't wait for her to spend more time with Uncle Kyle at Christmas!

Kelsey's beautiful tables

A deep fried Thanksgiving turkey has become a Baumgarten tradition

The one I am most thankful for :)

Brian sneaking stuffing before dinner

Josh and Obi

The Eruchalu's (minus twins), they have spent the last 3 Thanksgivings with us and they have become close friends

I love this picture, they are watching football, each with a twin "E" in-lap

The spread!

Payton slept right through dinner!

Tristan and Dixon

Payton had turkey and rice to celebrate, yum!

Hostess with the mostess!


I think Payton and Obi will really enjoy each other as soon as Payton is mobile (which will be any day now!)

Forever thankful for the addition of this sweet girl to our family!!

Tyler and Anna, Anna is due with their first in January and I am pretty sure she is the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen!

We've come to find out Tyler and Kole have a lot in common, believe it or not sobriety in this picture is one of them...

Lex had an appointment with Kels to get a haircut and highlight, it looked awesome!

Payton LOVES Lexi and Lexi as wonderful with her, it's was so nice to have an extra set of very helpful hands on my day off!

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