Monday, December 6, 2010

8 Months

Today is Monday December 6th and Payton Audrey is 8 months old! I'm so proud that I took pictures and am writing a post and it's not even 9am! Payton was in a great mood this morning and I was able to get some cute shots. This past month went by the fastest so far, I'm sure the holidays have something to do with that! She did come down with her first cold, but a little stuffy nose and a cough didn't seem to phase her too badly, she took it like a champ! I have a feeling 9 months will be here before we know it with Christmas and a week long trip to Illinois just around the corner.

Payton @ 8 months
Measurements: Still none to report, but she has an appointment on the 13th so we will find out soon
Food: Still loves to eat solids and will try anything, we have started giving her bites of some of the baby friendly things we are eating and she loves it. She gets one mom's milk bottle and 3 or so formula bottles a day, but we're going through a weird bottle phase, she's just not that into drinking her milk right now. She will down a bottle when she first gets up in the morning and then it's a battle the rest of the day. She's not really loving the sippy cup right now either. We're going to try feeding her a little less food and see if that will help. We're not worried about her getting enough to eat, but I'm a little concerned she isn't drinking enough fluids. Never a dull moment!
Teeth: Still just the bottom two
Sleep: This is getting a little better, she seems to be past the phase of getting up for the day at 5am, we figured out that if we just leave her she eventually goes back to sleep until close to 7am, apparently mom and dad get training in this whole parenting journey too! Still napping morning and afternoon consistently.
New Tricks: Still rolling all over the floor and now gets up on her hands and knees and scoots backwards. She just last night figured out how to get back up to a sitting position from lying down. She wants so badly to crawl, she just can't quite get it. We're hoping she will soon, not because we're ready for her to be mobile, but because we hate seeing her so frustrated.
Happy 8 months baby girl, hard to believe last Christmas you we're dancing away in my belly!

Ryleigh is never more than an arms length away ALL DAY LONG :)

This is how she spends a lot of her time, but as close as she gets :(

We spent the weekend looking for a baby's 1st Christmas stocking. It was hard to find a good quality, neutral one that didn't say 2010. We plan to use it for each child's first Christmas and hope to pass it through the family. We finally found one at Pottery Barn and it was only $10! I think Payton approves!

Eatiner dinner with Nana & Rich
Payton has spent two overnights now at Nana's which is such a treat for mom and dad, Payton does great, Nana gets to spend quality time and Mom sleeps soundly, we love you Nana!!

On Friday dad came home from work with our tree and Payton was down for a late nap so when she woke up we had the tree up with lights on it. She was pretty impressed and thought playing in the Christmas bin was the best thing ever. Holidays are such a treat with a little one around to share them with! Our house is officially ready. I didn't take pictures because it looks a whole lot like it did in this post from last year!

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