Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stats, Santa, & Uncle Steve Turns 18!

We took Payton to see her pediatrician on Monday for her (early) 9 month appointment. She's on a modified vaccination schedule so her Dr. wanted her to get her second round of respiratory shots before we travelled to Illinois. She did great at the doctor, was fine with the exam and the doc checking her out. She of course lost it when she got the shots, but that's to be expected. He said she's doing perfectly!
Payton's 8-9 month stats:
Height: 28 inches ~ 84th percentile (maybe she will be tall...)
Weight: 18 pounds 6 ounces ~ 59th percentile
Head: 17 inches ~ 50th percentile
After her appointment on Monday we went straight to see Santa, probably not the best timing post-shots, but we tried this past weekend and the line was 2 hours long! Monday was perfect, there were only a few families ahead of us in line. Payton was not in the best mood so I was a little worried how it would go. She did great, she was more curious about the jolly old guy than anything else. She kept looking at him and not us so they struggled to get a picture.

This is a picture of a picture so it's terrible. I have to say I have lost faith in the Christmas spirit. When we got to the front of the line there was a huge sign explaining the "no personal camera" policy. Santa has policies!?! Then we were handed a price sheet. Santa has price sheets!?! Now of course you can sit on Santa's lap and tell him your Christmas wishes for free, but to have a picture taken, minimum was $25!!! I now wish I hadn't succumbed, but being that they don't tell you until it's your turn and you have a line of people behind you waiting with cranky kids I felt pressured to decide quickly. I really wanted a picture for Payton to have and I wasn't sure if we'd see another Santa this season. The best picture was of her looking at him, but you can only choose one and I wanted proof it was actually her sitting on Santa's lap. Long story short (not really, I know) we paid $25 for 3 little pictures that aren't very good. I thought about all the people out there who would be strapped to come up with the $. Maybe I'm naive, but I just can't believe this is what Christmas has come to in this country.

On a lighter note, today Steven turned 18!! I can't believe my baby brother is 18, life is something. We celebrated early on Sunday at BJ's in Boulder with the fam and some of Steven's friends. Payton got dressed up for the occasion and even wore a bow!! We love you Uncle Steve and can't wait to watch you start the next journey of your life!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is sad to think that Santa charges $25 for pictures! UgghH!! This was the first year Levi met a Christmas party last night. Mason also sat with real picture, except for the one Ashley took with his phone. But Payton looks SO cute!!!
