Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grandmas Visit

The Grandmas came for a visit! Janaan and Grandma Audrey got into town late Wednesday evening after being quite delayed. Kole and I both worked on Thursday while the stayed home and babysat, pretty sure we could have stayed away all day and night and they would have been happy! Thursday night they insisted we go out just the two of us to celebrate our anniversary and Grandma treated us to dinner. We went to Bonefish, one of our favorites that we can always count on great service and wonderful food. Thank you Grandma, we had a wonderful time! Friday I went and got my haircut and then Kole picked them up and met me in Boulder. We walked the Pearl Street Mall, which was a first for Grandma (and Payton) and she was pretty surprised at the range of people we encountered. We met Aunt Kelsey, Uncle Josh, Papa Charles (Josh's dad) and Uncle D (Josh's Uncle) who happened to be in town visiting as well for lunch on the rooftop of Lazy Dog Tavern. The weather was warm and perfect! Friday night we had my fam over for dinner and a visit and Saturday morning we lounged around in the morning on our back deck and then went to the mall for some shopping. Saturday evening the visit sadly came to an end and Kole took the Grandmas to the airport. As I type this it sounds like we had a busy visit, but really it was very relaxing and so enjoyable. Payton is pretty easy, but it's always nice to have extra hands around to help and even take on some of the less then fun parenting tasks. We had an awesome time hanging out and catching up and Kole and I feel very recharged as parents. Thank you for everything Grandmas, we love you so very much!!

(Grandpa, thank you for sending them, but we missed you!!!!)

Four generations!

 We took Payton to play in the fountains before lunch, needless to say she had a ball. Bring on the summer, I can't wait to take her to the pool!

This picture melts my heart, he is such an amazing dad.

She loves her Uncle Josh! Friday was Josh;s birthday so we got to celebrate him at lunch! Happy birthday Uncle Josh!!

Uncle Steve Graduates

Last Friday night we met the fam in Boulder for drinks and dinner and then headed to CU's basketball arena to watch Uncle Steve graduate!!! I can't believe he is headed off to college in the fall and we are so proud of him! The ceremony started pretty late and lasted long past Payton's bedtime, but she was a trooper. I missed most of the event due to chasing her around, but I saw the important parts and even managed to snap some pictures.

Sorry the pictures are a little out of order...

Payton sported her CU gear to celebrate since Uncle Steve is headed there in August! He will be the 6th in the Baumgarten clan to attend there.

My failed attempt to catch the hat toss

She's so proud of her uncle!!

My parents had a party to celebrate on Sunday, hard to believe he is my baby brother!