Monday, December 12, 2011

24 Weeks

Well I am 24 weeks along with baby #2 and feeling pretty good. Aside from some of the joyous bodily changes that come with pregnancy, I am feeling pretty good. No nausea to complain about and still pretty comfortable. I have started swelling a bit throughout the day, but as long as I watch my salt intake, drink lots of water and put my feet up when I can it seems to subside during the night and I start each day fluid-free. My last doctors appointment was a couple weeks ago and I will go back next week, but everything has been looking good. Well except for the minor little issue of weight gain. A woman my size should gain about 25-35 lbs throughout her pregnancy, as of two weeks ago I had gained 23! I had 18 weeks to go at that point... It's not really fair that my appointment was right after our third Thanksgiving, but still, 23 pounds is a little out of control. Needless to say I have purchased a scale, my first ever, to watch my weight a little more closely. Some of it is fluid, which the doctor is watching closely, but the rest is my lack of self-control and zero desire to exercise. I'm happy to report I have been a good little girl the last couple of weeks and am only up a little less then a pound. Oh the joys of pregnancy. I'll leave you with a few pics of the little one...


  1. How sweet, Shannon! And those pictures of Payton and Santa...I know that would be Mason, too...we didn't meet the guy in red. Maybe next year!
