Thursday, October 18, 2012

Grandpa and Grandma Visit

Dick and Janaan came for a long weekend visit towards the end of September. We always enjoy having them here and the kids just had a ball. Payton adores her grandparents and mom and dad aren't allowed to do anything for her when they are in town! Grant got some great bonding time with Grandpa, I think they have a bit of a kindred spirit. We didn't do a whole lot, hung home, shopped, played at the park, cooked, worked in the yard, soaked up quality visiting time and of course Kole and I had a date night, which we always cherish when we have family in town to hang with the kids.

We finally remembered to get some pics with the kids before they were rushing out of the door to go to the airport. Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for coming, for loving on the kids, and for everything you do. I'm so thankful they are able to visit as often as they do, you wouldn't know from their relationship with the kids that they live so far away. We love and miss you guys!!

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