Thursday, October 17, 2013

18 Months

It's hard to believe our little baby boy is now a year and a half and at the same time it feels like it's been 18 months! This stage is probably the easiest Grant has been in a while. He's pretty happy most of the time, will play on his own or with his sister, can communicate his needs/wants/dislikes pretty well with words and gestures instead of screaming. He still has a bit of a temper and has to sit in time out, but he understands why he is there and apologizes after. His separation anxiety seems to be getting better and he's a pretty funny kid.  Grant Robert you're spirit, energy, smile, and love light up our lives and we love you so very much!

Grant @ 18 Months:
  • Measurements: 33 inches tall 67 percentile, 22 pounds 21 percentile
  •  Got 4 shots that he wasn't happy about, but otherwise doing everything he is supposed to
  • Has 8 front teeth and finally all four of his molars
  • Mostly 18, 18-24, and 24 month clothes (that fall off his waist), size 5 shoes and 4 diaper
  • Sleeps 11-12 hours at night he wakes up a lot of nights and cries out, we don't go in very often, but it is sill disruptive for mom and dad so hopefully it's just a stage, his naps aren't really an issue anymore he sleeps anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours in the afternoon.
  • Tons of new words all the time, he is starting to put two words together. Too many to list, but some of my favorites right now are: hug, ham (Sam, our nanny), Love you, Ryleigh (his name for both dogs, he refuses to say Koda), animal sounds (about 10), oops, huh?
  • Still obsessed with his baby cousin and wants to be right next to him (which is usually more like on top of him) or holding him. He kisses him and tickles him constantly and always keeps close tabs on him
  • Still a pretty good eater, but starting to be picky about things he has always liked
  • Still uses his pacifier in his bed, and sometimes outside of bed, with teething and sickness we regressed a bit. We should probably take it away, but it makes him happy, consoles him, and honestly makes it easier on us so, oh well.
  • Loves to sit and read books, would let us read to him for hours if we could
  • Payton is still his favorite person and he wants to be where she is doing what she is doing and she handles it pretty well. In the last couple weeks they have been having fun playing upstairs in the playroom and/or their rooms together. They will play for over an hour, which is great for me because I can work or get things done around the house.
  • Starting to be more independent, likes to run, climb, throw, and voice his opinion when he isn't happy about something
  • Goes to gymnastics and story time at the library while Payton's in school. He hasn't loved her being gone so much and can be a little lost without her
  • Loves to watch Dora and will finally sit and enjoy a show
  • Still loves dancing to music and seems to have some rhythm 
  • He's sweet, loving, stubborn, loud, busy, happy, physical
  • Something I want to remember at this stage is how he plays with other kids. He likes to be around them, but usually prefers to watch unless he is familiar with them. He does, however, like to touch other kids (appropriately) and hug them a lot. It's not always well received by the other child or his/her parents, but it's kind of funny. He's always gentle and I think he's being genuinely sweet. He and Payton are very loving with each other and he's that way with us too and I think he doesn't understand yet that it's not the normal interaction between kids. Some parents do need to chill a bit though.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Family and Pumpkins

 Uncle Brian is home from Turkey! He came to CO last weekend for a quick visit and to pick up his dog Sam and drive his car back to MO. We spent all the free time we had hanging out with him, having dinner and Sweet Cow ice cream and even got to make a family trip to the pumpkin patch. We have missed him these last several months, it was so great to see him! He will be back around Christmas :)
 Playing in Nana's yard with Sam

 Love Sweet Cow ice cream in Louisville!
 Posing the children...

 To document the attitude that is Payton Audrey at 3 1/2. I wanted a picture without her sunglasses on, apparently entirely way too much to ask. (this wasn't even that bad)

 Sweet boys

 Liam's first pumpkin patch!

 Love you Uncle Brian!!

 So fun to have a cousin around to do these things with!
 We have been doing this with my dad since Payton's first Halloween, it's one of my favorite family traditions. Thanks for a fun morning Papa and for great pictures! Love you guys!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Grandpa and Grandma Visit

 A couple weeks ago Grandma and Grandpa came for a long weekend visit. We didn't really have any plans, just hung around the house, enjoyed a few meals out and did some shopping. The kids just soaked up the time with their grandparents and were quite sad to see them go. We love when they are here! iPhone pics again so excuse the poor quality.

Thanks for coming to see us, we love you!!!

Mountain Weekend (Take Two)

The weekend after we were in Keystone with my family John and  Brittnie were in town with their girls and we decided to head up to Silverthorne for another getaway. They come to town quite a bit, which we love, but we usually only get them for a few hours over dinner since they have so many family members and friends to visit when they are here. It was so awesome to get to spend a whole weekend with them, we have missed them!  The kids had a great time together. We stayed in a friend of the family's house (thanks to Uncle Steven!). We went up with no plan, just decided as we went, and it was very relaxing. These pictures are totally out of order and are iPhone pics so not the best of quality, but represent our weekend pretty well. That's Kole above exploring the grounds with 3/4 kids in tow.

 We had many car rides like this up and down the mountain and after playing up in Breck for the duck race
 Dip n Dots in Breck

 Beautiful gondola ride, we saw a huge moose on the way up, very cool

 Payton's first official sleep over, she did great and sweet Taylor showed her the ropes
 Watch out for these two, TROUBLE!
 The adults did lots of this and catching up after the kiddos went to bed

 John and Taylor did this, we laughed so hard

 The view from the deck of the house we stayed in. It was beautiful, on the golf course none the less

Played in the rain

So thankful for great friends, healthy, happy kids and the opportunity to get away. We miss you guys, our turn to make the treck to SD. Love you Ainsworths!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mountain Weekend (Take One)

We spent the last two weekends up in the mountains. It was kind of a lot to get organized and pack everything up two weekends in a row and work in between, but it was very relaxing and wonderful to be up there. The first weekend we went to Keystone with my family. We played, relaxed, swam, walked, ate, and just hung out. It was great.

 First gondola ride

 Family pics are no easy task these days
 First vacay for the Mitchell family! They have now joined so many of us in the season of life in which vacation is actually more work then staying home (one of those many things no one tells you before you have kids, which is probably for the best). Welcome aboard!! :-)
 ladder ball with Nana

 Margaritas taste pretty great on top of the mountain!

 Sweet Liam snuggling with Daddy
 girl talk

 I have no words for this pic

 Kole and Josh were great sports and swam each day with the kids

 Feeding the fish and ducks

While loading up the fam for a weekend getaway takes a bit of work, it's always totally worth it. Love you guys and look forward to many more!!!