Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mountain Weekend (Take One)

We spent the last two weekends up in the mountains. It was kind of a lot to get organized and pack everything up two weekends in a row and work in between, but it was very relaxing and wonderful to be up there. The first weekend we went to Keystone with my family. We played, relaxed, swam, walked, ate, and just hung out. It was great.

 First gondola ride

 Family pics are no easy task these days
 First vacay for the Mitchell family! They have now joined so many of us in the season of life in which vacation is actually more work then staying home (one of those many things no one tells you before you have kids, which is probably for the best). Welcome aboard!! :-)
 ladder ball with Nana

 Margaritas taste pretty great on top of the mountain!

 Sweet Liam snuggling with Daddy
 girl talk

 I have no words for this pic

 Kole and Josh were great sports and swam each day with the kids

 Feeding the fish and ducks

While loading up the fam for a weekend getaway takes a bit of work, it's always totally worth it. Love you guys and look forward to many more!!!

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