Saturday, September 7, 2013

15 Months

Grant Robert turned 15 months old on July 5th, which is now almost two months ago! Grant is most definitely a toddler now and no longer my baby which is so bittersweet. I so miss having a baby in the house, but his nonstop energy and loving spirit are so much fun to have around. He is still struggling with separation anxiety, talking more everyday, and lights up when his sister comes in the room. His 15 month check up was a bit late, but he is on track and doing well.

Grant @ 15 Months:

  • Measurements: 32 inches tall 81 percentile, 21.4 pounds 22 percentile
  • Has 8 front teeth and finally one of his 12 month molars is through, seems like he has been teething forever!
  • Mostly 18 month clothes (that fall off his waist), size 5 shoes and 4 diaper
  • Sleeps great at night, but naps are still challenging most days. He seems to be over napping twice a day, but is not transitioning to one nap a day very well. Thankfully he doesn't seem to require a ton of sleep.
  • Tons of new words, we have hit that point where he has a new word almost daily. He doesn't quite put two together yet, but seems to understand pretty much everything we tell him. Some of my favorite new ones: home, baby, Josh, ick, bless you, Mae, sissy, sorry, owie
  • Is obsessed with his baby cousin and wants to be right next to him (which is usually more like on top of him) or holding him. He kisses him and tickles him constantly and always keeps close tabs on him
  • He will be giving me a hug one second and hitting me the next because I made him mad
  • He's quite familiar with time-out already
  • Still a good eater, some times picky about vegetables but will mostly eat anything
  • No more bottles for several months now and will drink milk cold and from a sippy cup
  • Still uses his pacifier in his bed, but it stays there now full-time, that will be the next battle, but not quite ready yet
  • Still loves to imitate us
  • Been really healthy despite the fact that he puts everything (seriously everything, it's disgusting) in his mouth. I'm hoping this behavior passes soon.
  • Loving swimming in Aunt Kelsey's pool this summer
  • Traveled to IL at the end of July and did way better then we expected on the plane

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