Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

 We had a very relaxing holiday. We walked to bagels and coffee in the morning and then just hung home, played outside and got ready for company for BBQ and fireworks in the evening. The littles were dressed to celebrate so we snapped some pics of all 3 together. How cute are they!? ;)

 Finally I have a pic of me and my nephew. Could hold him forever.
Family pic!

 The Platt fam and Morgan and B came to celebrate with us. The kids played and slid on the slip n slide, watched a movie and we continued the tradition of smores while waiting for the fireworks to start. So yummy! Turns out 3 and 4 year-olds are way more impressed by smores then fireworks, who'd a thought!? We were so excited to experience Payton's first firework show this year since she has always been fast asleep in the past. She talked about it the days leading up, but when it came time she kept asking (literally probably 25 times) "mom is this end?" She was ready for them to be over after the first one. I envisioned it going so differently. Oh well, fun was had by all!

 Loved the smores and special time with her Aunt
 Liam enjoyed a bottle while the others enjoyed smores
 Morgan and B

 We are so lucky we can see the Broomfield fireworks from our backyard and so thankful family and friends will come to us to celebrate.

Happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Can't wait to see your family when we're out there next month :o)
