Wednesday, January 30, 2013

9 Months

Grant turned 9 months old on January 5th! Life has been busy this month and he is now almost 10 months old, but oh well!

Grant you are a busy, busy boy and at 9 months you:

  • Crawl everywhere, quickly
  • Pull up on furniture and walk around things
  • Can climb up the stairs, but don't try it too often
  • Fall and hit your head most days
  • Got your first salon haircut, your 4th haircut so far
  • Sleep great at night usually 6:30-7:30 to around 7-7:30
  • Nap well some days and not so great others, but still sleep twice a day for 30 minutes to an hour and a half
  • Don't love to eat baby food and would rather eat what your sister is eating, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. You love ham and prefer fruit over vegetables
  • You drink 4 bottles a day, a mix of mom's milk and formula and you will drink a little bit of water from a straw cup 
  • You are in size 12 month clothes, 3 diapers and 3 shoes
  • You are slowly getting over your separation anxiety
  • Still adore your sister and smile and laugh at everything she says/does
  • Did well with traveling over the holidays
  • Love to play with the dogs so we have to watch you carefully with them
  • Love to be outside, swing with Payton and ride in the stroller, you get mad when we come back inside!
  • I think you say da-da on purpose when you see daddy, but no other real words yet
  • You have a loud voice and like to show it off. 
  • I think you understand when I tell you no, but you don't really care yet
  • You are into anything and everything and put it all in your mouth
  • You never stop moving, so every picture I have of you right now is blurry
  • You are still sweet, cuddly, and love to be held

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