Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Playing Catch Up (Part 3)

We celebrated Uncle Josh's birthday at Kent and Gail's. The kids were pretty impressed by Kent's wooden train set.
This next sequence is one of my favorites. If you look closely Payton and Josh are making the same three different faces in each picture. I love the special bond she has with her Aunt and Uncles.

Kelsey could have baby Liam any day now and we cannot wait to meet him. Come out baby boy, it's so much more fun out here!

We went to the Taste of Louisville a couple Saturdays ago. Payton had fun at the kids area and we enjoyed walking around, but the day was a bit of a bust. Grant wouldn't sleep in the stroller and was cranky and we tried to have a sit down lunch, but had horrible service and had to leave and take our food home because the kids were done. Hopefully next time will be a little better.

This little guy keeps me on my toes constantly and I have to stop and take a deep breath several times throughout the day, but he is at such a cute, fun stage and is full of love.

Playing Catch Up (Part 2)

Uncle Brian, and his girlfriend Heather made a quick visit before he left for Turkey for 4 months. I didn't get a picture of him with the kids unfortunately, but we did make it to a Rockies game to spend time with him
She was beside herself excited about the cotton candy in her favorite color

She was wiped, was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot and slept through transferring from Josh and Kelsey's car to ours at the Park n Ride
Wearing Papa's hat
The days I am home with the kids during the week I try to keep it low key, especially if I am working. Sometimes those are my hardest/longest days, but then we will have a day like this day and it's all worth it. We have had many park lunch dates. This particular day we walked to Wendy's and had lunch for something different. The kids were so good and just enjoyed being together. Grant insisted on holding his big sister's hand and walking with her. I'm so glad I get to be home part-time with them and that we live close to lots of things we can walk to.

Helping daddy mow the lawn and had to take her shirt off too to do so
Having little ones that nap makes it easier to stay home and get yard work done during the weekends. This has been LONG overdue

Trey and his girlfriend Jen came to spend the weekend and we had a great time hanging out. We got to see Brittan too and meet her boyfriend Lewis the same weekend. It was good to catch up with old friends.

Playing Catch Up (Part 1)

I have been a terrible blogger lately. I decided to do a few photo dump posts to get caught up and then hopefully I will be better. Above picture is from a late snow we got this spring. Payton loves to play in it, but Grant was not amused, probably because his snow gear makes for a baby straight jacket.

Some iPad time while mom works
Dinner on Pearl St. with the fam
The weather finally warmed up so we have been enjoying dinner on the deck. Oddly enough asparagus seems to be one of his favorites.

He insists on feeding himself and this particular day I caved and just handed over the yogurt, he was pretty proud.

In May, Kole and I got to sneak away for a little getaway. Grandma came to stay with the kiddos, and took great care of them! We went to California and spent two nights on the beach in Santa Barbara and two nights in Solvang, wine country in the mountains about 45 min outside of Santa Barbara. We had such a great vacation and really enjoyed the break. We had no plans except for where we were staying and we had the best time just doing what we wanted, when we wanted for 4 whole days! Below is a picture of a bar we walked passed and had to snap a shot of for the O'Malleys!
We had amazing meals, lots of fresh seafood and our fill of wine

The views from our hotel and just walking around were beautiful, I love being near the ocean
This is what Solvang was like, such a cute little European-influenced town with tons of great wine and food and shopping
One of the places we tasted wine, I thought the set up was pretty cool. We got a card and all the wine was in these self serve machines where you swiped your card and chose your size tasting. At the end they run your card and you pay. They had great tapas too.
We ventured out into the vineyards on the outskirts of town and just drove around and tasted a few wines. It was so beautiful and relaxing
Kole and I celebrated our 5th anniversary last week and getting to spend this time away together just catching up and re-charging was the best gift a girl could ask for. We missed the kids, would have been fun to have them at the beach, but we were so thankful to have Janaan come and take the load off for a few days. The kids had a blast and we had a worry-free vacation. Hopefully we will do it again before another 5 years passes. I love my hubby more than anything and am so incredibly thankful to have him by my side. It was awesome to be reminded of how much fun we have together and just enjoy hanging out no matter what we are doing.