Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Playing Catch Up (Part 2)

Uncle Brian, and his girlfriend Heather made a quick visit before he left for Turkey for 4 months. I didn't get a picture of him with the kids unfortunately, but we did make it to a Rockies game to spend time with him
She was beside herself excited about the cotton candy in her favorite color

She was wiped, was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot and slept through transferring from Josh and Kelsey's car to ours at the Park n Ride
Wearing Papa's hat
The days I am home with the kids during the week I try to keep it low key, especially if I am working. Sometimes those are my hardest/longest days, but then we will have a day like this day and it's all worth it. We have had many park lunch dates. This particular day we walked to Wendy's and had lunch for something different. The kids were so good and just enjoyed being together. Grant insisted on holding his big sister's hand and walking with her. I'm so glad I get to be home part-time with them and that we live close to lots of things we can walk to.

Helping daddy mow the lawn and had to take her shirt off too to do so
Having little ones that nap makes it easier to stay home and get yard work done during the weekends. This has been LONG overdue

Trey and his girlfriend Jen came to spend the weekend and we had a great time hanging out. We got to see Brittan too and meet her boyfriend Lewis the same weekend. It was good to catch up with old friends.

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