Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This past weekend we took a trip to California with the whole Baumgarten clan to visit Brian (Shannon's brother) and celebrate his college graduation and commissioning into the US Air Force. We flew into LA Thursday evening and went straight to Brian's house in Hermosa Beach to have dinner and celebrate Steven's 17th Birthday (December 15th). Friday we went to the ceremony at USC. It was very cool to see Brian in his element, uniform and all, with his fellow ROTC buddies. The ceremony was to commission Brian and three of his classmates from Cadets to Lieutenants. He is now officially in the Air Force and will be heading off to pilot school in Texas in April. He also graduated from USC with a degree in Aerospace Engineering, but USC doesn't have a December Graduation Ceremony. The weather was great, mid 70s each day and we began each morning with a long walk along the beach. Our condo was about 50 feet from the beach, we couldn't see the ocean, but we could hear it! It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend! A perfect way to head into the Christmas Holiday.

The graduates and their Commander
The award Brian received. He has worked so hard, we are very proud of him!!
The baby bump has become very obvious!

Proud parents
Brian and Kim

Beach Volleyball

It was so hard to leave the beach and come back to Denver!

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