Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Shower

This past weekend my sister and my mom threw me a baby shower. Kole's mom, aunt and grandma all made the trip from Illinois to spend the weekend with us and be at the baby shower. My girlfriend Sarah flew in to surprise me for the shower, I had no idea she was coming and was so touched that she would come all this way just for me. We miss you Mike and Sarah!! The shower was perfect, Kelsey and Josh worked their little tails off to get their basement finished for the party and it looked beautiful! The shower was a lot of fun, Kelsey and my mom made some great food, I got to spend time visiting with everyone, and everyone played bingo while I opened gifts. We got SO much of what we needed, I have such an amazing family and group of friends, I am very blessed! I felt so loved this weekend and can't wait to bring this little one into our life. Thanks Grandma, Janaan, and Lana for making a special trip and mom and Kels for throwing such a wonderful shower, I love you all very much!!! Enjoy the pictures.

If we have a girl I so hope she'll have a sister one day, I wouldn't trade the world for the relationship I have with Kelsey.

We spent Sunday putting together strollers and pack n plays and organizing everything we got, it was such a great weekend!

Kole got to open a present on Sunday so he didn't feel left out. Thanks Lu and Susie, we can't wait to see you in June!!

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