Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Week Old

Payton turned one week old on Tuesday April 13th and we had a great first week home. Kole's parents were still in town for part of it and made us lots of great meals and got to spend some quality time with their new granddaughter. So far she is such an easy baby, she eats well, sleeps well and does everything else she is supposed to. We are getting 4 hour stretches of sleep at night often having to wake her up to feed her so she doesn't go too long. She had her one week check up on Monday April 12th and she was back up tp 7lbs 3oz, only 3 oz away from her birth weight of 7lbs 6oz so she is right on track. Her doctor said she looks great and shows no sign of jaundice. We are loving having her home with us! Getting her first bottle, she took it like a champ! She gets one each night before bed from Kole, it's their special daddy-daughter time :)

Hanging with Nana

Uncle Steve

Ready and dressed to watch her first baseball game, the Rockies were playing

One week old!

She loves to be held

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen a more precious baby... She is undoubtably the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Truly!
    Congrats! Baby Payton is a jewel and it sounds like she's just perfect.
