Monday, May 24, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

Well once again I am way behind on blogging, but better late than never! I had such a wonderful first Mother's Day. Kole's parents, brother and Grandma Audrey were in town to visit for the weekend so we got to celebrate with them. We had a great weekend just spending time together and eating some great food while they soaked up some time with Payton. This was her first time meeting her Uncle Kyle and Great Grandma Audrey, so it was a special weekend. On Mother's Day we went over to my mom's house for brunch. It was a little weird to have people wishing me a Happy Mother's Day all day, it still felt like it should be about our moms and grandma, but I am sure I will get used to it. I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Kole and Payton and a gift certificate to the spa from the Harms, I can't wait to get a massage after the Boulder Bolder! It was a special first Mother's Day for me as all the mother's in my life were there. We got some great pictures over the weekend. Thanks to both of our families for such a great weekend, we love you!
All dressed up for the couples shower

Marc and Marilyn threw us the most wonderful couples shower over the weekend, a post and more pics to come! Here's Payton on "Uncle" Marc's lap :)

My Fam

Three generations

Our family of 3

Harms Clan

Four generations!

She was so intrigued by Uncle Kyle, a new face to study!

She napped like this two mornings, how special to grow up with a Great Grandma, something I never had

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