Friday, May 14, 2010

One Month Old

Little miss Payton turned one month old on May 6, the same day her favorite Aunt Kelsey turned 26! It's hard to believe it has been a month since she was born. She is so much fun to have around and the time is just flying by. She's still a really good baby, especially when it comes to sleeping at night. She still sleeps for 4 hour stretches andonly gets us up once during the night. Turns out she is a strong little girl, rolling over at 3 weeks old!! I have it on video, but I have yet to figure out how to load it onto the blog. She was laying on the couch next to me enjoying (not!) some tummy time and she rolled over to her back. At first I thought maybe I had positioned her just right to help her do it so I turned her back over and she did it again! She did a third time, which I captured on video and then again the next day at my dad's house. We put her in her crib for the night for the first time on Saturday May 1st and she did pretty well. She has been sleeping in it at night ever since and has taken a couple of naps in it during the day as well. Herfavorite place to sleep is still in some one's arms, she is a snuggler . She has been enjoying her baths more and more, which you can see in the pictures of daddy giving her his first bath. She has more and more personality every day and we are very much smitten with her!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! She's a mover! You can upload the video to YouTube and then post a link to your blog. That always works the easiest for me!
