Friday, October 8, 2010

6 Months

On Wednesday, October 6th Payton turned 6 months old! I can't believe it. Everyone (seriously every person I've talked to since Payton was born) tells you "it goes by so fast" and it's true. The last 6 months have flown by. We have been blessed with a healthy, happy, easy daughter and for that we are extremely thankful! We took her to her 6 month check up yesterday and her Dr. said she is doing great. We decided when Payton was born we would delay getting her vaccinated. I did a lot of research and we decided we would wait until she was at least 6 months before she'd receive any vaccinations. Our doctor has been supportive of our decision (it's pretty common in CO especially the closer to Boulder you get) and great about giving us information. Since she is 6 months and we are heading into winter we decided it was best for Payton to get a flu vaccine as well as two other respiratory vaccinations so she would protected. She did great getting her first shots, only cried for a few seconds after the initial "stick", in fact she was more upset by the Dr. examining her then she was by the shots. We don't go back until she is 9 months, which I'm sure will be here before we know it!
Payton @ 6 months
Measurements: 27 inches - 90 percentile, 16 pounds 11 ounces - 66 percentile, she definitely had a growth spurt since her 4 month check up!
Food: Still on bottles and a combination of mom's milk and formula. She's still eating one meal of solids at dinner time and has had, rice and oatmeal cereal, avocado, sweet potato, pear and banana, she'll probably be ready for a second meal soon
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night, around 11-12 hours, it's pure bliss! 3-4 hours of napping between a morning and afternoon nap.
New Tricks: Sitting un-supported for short periods of time and playing with toys, lots of babbling!

Aunt Kelsey gave her this bath duck and she is finally big enough to use it, she thinks it's pretty fun.

She loves to look at herself in the mirror!

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