Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Months and Snow!

Payton turned 10 months old on Sunday February 6th! 

 This last month was probably our most challenging so far. Payton has figured out that 1. she has an opinion, and 2. she likes to share it and doesn't appreciate when it's not the same one we may have. She has developed a bit of stubbornness and attitude lately. She does not like to be told "no", however, she does understand its meaning. She will cry, throw objects and smack person and thing in protest. She will arch her back and kick her legs if a diaper change wasn't what she had in mind at that moment in time. She had about a week and a half of cold/teething woes and it was a struggle to keep her happy and really messed with her sleep schedule. She's losing interest in drinking from a bottle, which is fine by us, except she's not that interested in drinking from a sippy cup, problem! Keeping her hydrated has been another struggle this month. While this month has proved to be Payton's most challenging this mom is not complaining (only documenting and a little venting) she is still a happy, healthy, easy baby. 

 Payton Audrey @ 10 months
Measurements: Still none to report, but she is in mostly 12-18 month clothing so I'm thinking she's still measuring on the "tall" side
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night, she will cry out most nights but goes right back to sleep. She's been waking up early (before 6am) since her cold/teething, but the last couple days she seems to be getting back on track and sleeping until 6:30-7:30. Naps are in flux right now as she's adjusting to a later, longer (not always) first nap and then late afternoon/early evening catnap (not always which makes for long afternoon sometimes)
Food: She'll try anything and doesn't seem to dislike anything yet. She's lost more interest in baby food and likes to eat what we are eating, or cut-up food from her tray. We still sneak in baby food when we can as it's just easier!
Teeth: Still just the two on the bottom, while she seems to go through teething symptoms from time to time, nothing more is showing yet.
New tricks: She walks on her own behind a push toy we got for her, waves her hand while saying "Hi", gives kisses when asked (Aunt Kelsey just taught her this weekend!), gives hi and low fives. Her favorite pass time right now is playing on the floor and putting things in other things and taking them back out and putting them back in, etc. She can say "hi", "hi dad" "da da", "ma ma", the "uh" in "uh-oh", and she has a word that sounds like "dough" for the dogs

Happy 10 months baby girl, you know we love you!!

Her famous face that cracks us up!

First time "playing" in the sow

Love this picture

Tasting the snow and discovering it's cold!

Her initial reaction to mitten-free hands in the snow

Realizing she overreacted

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