Sunday, February 13, 2011

Daddy's Little Helper

Tonight Kole decided to put his new grill together (finally!), he's had it for a while, but one thing I have learned about my husband is that he does things in his own time. Funny thing is I think our daughter has inherited this trait!  Anyway, Payton was right in the middle of the action and when he and I had our hands full trying to put the top half of the grill on to the bottom half of the grill, miss Payton crawled right in. I got a few cute pictures, enjoy!
It's hard to see, but she actually got her rear stuck in the propane tank hole!

Wondering if she's going to get in trouble for stealing the screwdriver daddy was using

Moving on without daddy since he was busy calling Grandma and Grandpa

Life with a 10 month old is hard to beat!

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