Friday, March 11, 2011

11 Months

I am way behind on Payton's 11 month post, but I did manage to get some pictures last weekend! This month was much easier than last month. While she is still very opinionated and strong-willed she is learning to keep it in check and we have found it works best if we just ignore the behavior. She likes to be with us so getting ignored seems to register with her that she needs to try something different. One thing that's been a little interesting this month is she has started whining quite a bit. I think it's a result of knowing what she wants and doesn't want, but not being able to communicate it yet. She seems to reserve this behavior for mom and dad though so she is definitely feeling it out. I hope it's a short stage because it tries my patience from time to time. Generally she is still happy and pretty easy. I can't believe the next monthly post will be a 1 year post!

Payton @ 11 Months

Measurements: We will find out at her 1 year appt. but she is in 12-18 month clothing and size 4 shoe.
Sleep: She had a about a week where it seemed she might be transitioning to one nap, but it was short-lived. She still gets up too early (around 6am!) to make it on one nap. She sleeps about 10-11 hours at night and takes two 1-1 1/2 hour naps. She occasionally wakes up crying during the night, but is easily soothed and goes back to sleep.
Food: We have retired most of the baby food. She still eats jars of fruit with her cereal in the morning since she doesn't seem to mind being fed by us for that meal. She occasionally has jar vegetables too since it's still the easiest way to work them in. Still haven't found anything she won't eat and she continues to get better at feeding herself from her tray and chewing solid food. She is drinking water from a sippy cup!! She'll have about 12-16 oz a day. We cut out one of her daily bottles so now she has 3, one in the morning (this will be the hardest to get rid of) which is the only time she really wants one, one between naps and the last before bed. The last two are hit or miss. My hope is to have her totally off bottles by her birthday.
New Tricks: starts clapping and "patting" when you sing pat-a-cake, dances to music, covers her ears when you say "ear muffs", crawls down the stairs (backwards) with ease, stands and plays for long periods of time without holding on, will take 2-3 steps (walking is in our near future!), brushes her teeth, Speaks jibberish in full sentences and will have conversation wiht anyone who will listen, I'm sure I'm missing a few...

Happy 11 months baby girl, we love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I can't believe this cutie is going to be a year already. Can we please get together soon so her and Rilyn can become best friends??
