Friday, March 11, 2011


Tonight we had a "little" company. Ashtyn and Eli came to play so Jenn and Matt could have kid-free, peaceful date night. We had a great time, slightly chaotic, but in a good way! They are such sweet kids. Eli sometimes struggles when left behind, but he did pretty good. We had a little stretch of unhappiness, but big sis Ashtyn was right by his side comforting him. A little change of scenery (and into pajamas) did the trick and he snuggled with Kole until he and Payton were ready for bed.

Ashtyn played and played and played! She shared all of her special toys with Payton, which was very sweet and she and I played a little Bunco. Kole managed to make an awesome dinner of fish with an amazing red pepper sauce, sweet potatoes and veggies and we managed to eat between soothing crying babies. I'm sure it was quite a sight, Eli would cry so I would pick him up and calm him down, then Payton would cry because I was holding Eli, then Eli would cry because Payton was crying, and around and around we went! Luckily it was only about a half an hour and then all was well. We finished out the night with some big-kid movie time and popcorn with Ashtyn. It's so wonderful to have such great friends nearby that we can trade kiddos with. Sometimes I still can't believe it when I look at Ashtyn and think that I met her mom in preschool!!

Hope you had a nice Friday night!!

Payton trying to convince Eli to escape with her
Deciding Eli was on his own she made her move
Much more interested in the movie Cars then the pretty girl trying to get him to run away with her. Are you sure he's your son Matt!? :)
Rolling the dice...

Counting her points...

Writing down her score...
Thanks for sharing your kids with us for the night, hope you had fun!!

Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. We are so LUCKY and blessed to have such great friends who actually want to watch our little rugrats! Thank you so much, you literally are the best friend anyone could ask ya!
