Sunday, March 27, 2011

Early Birthday Present

We decided there were two things we wanted to get Payton for her first birthday. A first-stage outdoor playset and a college savings plan. We wanted one with a slide and an area to play in, but when we started looking at playsets we experienced a little sticker shock. So after a few weeks of stalking craigslist and learning the particular item we were hunting for sells like hotcakes, we spotted this one soon after it had been posted and made our move! It's in great condition, the previous owners only had it set up indoors. Payton seems to like it (almost as much as Dad!) Happy almost birthday baby girl!

Trying out the picnic table

Learning how to use the door

Climbing up to the slide
It has a ring toss, ball through and secret entrance too!

The slide is her favorite

 We do a lot of this right now, she'll stand for long periods of time and take a few steps, but not quite ready to take off...

Now on to the college savings plan we probably should have started when we were in college...

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