Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mama's Little Helper

Wearing daddy's sock
Most Mondays Payton and I stay home and get things done around the house until we have to pick up Lexi from school. One of the things she just loves to "help" with is laundry, she will just light up at the sight of a basket of dirty or clean clothing. I try to keep her out of the dirty stuff, but she just has so much fun. She is really funny about putting things over her head. She is constantly picking things up and putting them over her head, this particular Monday it was mom's (clean) underwear!

Another funny thing about Payton is she LOVES toilets. Not sure where this comes from, but we have to make sure bathroom doors are always closed. It's not the water, she doesn't know there is water in it (yet!), she just loves to pull up and play at the toilet. The only thing I can figure is she sees us go into the bathroom and used the toilet so in her little 11 month old brain, the bathroom and toilet must be the place to be. Usually we just teach her to stay away from things we don't want her playing with, but since we hope to potty train her at some point we don't want to make the toilet a bad thing.

As I have mentioned before, Ryleigh is never far away when we are home with Payton (or without her!), he's always been that way. I was getting some work done on Monday and Payton was happily playing in the family room when she brought Ryleigh her sunglasses. I put them on him just for fun and snapped a few quick pictures.


  1. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Miss you guys!

  2. Mason loves all things toilet, too! UGGH!! Everything from the little cap thing on the bottom to the seat. Gross! Levi didn't care at all about it. HA!
