Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is how we spent all of Friday night and most of Saturday. Kole started things off with a nasty cold two weekends ago that he so kindly passed through the family. I came down with it last weekend and Payton got a touch of it early this past week. We thought she escaped with only a little stuffy nose, but no such luck! Friday she was coughing a little bit, but seemed ok so we went about our day. Well Friday night we were up all night with a poor little girl who was coughing, wheezing and crying. My family dealt with our fair share of croup when we were little so I recognized the barking noises Payton made when she coughed. We tried a few steam showers in the bathroom, but it didn't really help. We were dressed and ready to take her to Children's urgent care when I decided to check in with my mom before we left since she took care of many a croup ridden baby. Even though she sounded like an asthmatic, we decided it wasn't urgent enough to warrant a middle of the night ER trip and just kept a close eye on her (and held her mostly) the rest of the night. Our doctor has hours from 8-10 on Saturday mornings so we called at 8 and took her in. He confirmed that she had croup and gave us an oral steroid to give her to open up her airways. After a couple of doses of steroids, good naps yesterday (for Payton and mom and dad) and a an even better nights sleep she is back to herself today with just a little runny nose.

We almost made it to 1 year before getting sick/needing to go to the doctor so I'd say we've been really lucky and were definitely due...

1 comment:

  1. You definitely are lucky with a healthy baby! Thanks to Levi, Mason gets all sorts of colds. And so do we. Yay for preschool. Ha!
