Tuesday, April 12, 2011

12 Months Old

I can't believe our little girl is 12 months old! The last month has been full of fun changes, Payton is really starting to reveal her personality and we are enjoying getting to know her. We got her 1-year pictures taken a couple weeks ago for the first time by someone other than Liz. She did a great job (although she is no Liz), but we probably won't be doing that again (long story) anyway, here are some of the proofs to enjoy. Hopefully we get the prints in the next couple of weeks!

Payton @ 12 Months

Measurements:  21 lbs, 55th percentile, 30 inches, 80th percentile. Payton's Dr. said she continues to look great and is doing everything she is supposed to. She got 2 shots and an oral vaccine. She did great when he was examining her, but screamed when she got her shots. We go back at 15 months so we will see if she continues to be on the taller side.
Sleep:  Still sleeping 10-11 hours at night and taking two naps
Food: She has tried pretty much anything we have been eating except peanut butter and nuts. We were waiting until she was closer to a year which is what's recommended, but just haven't had a chance yet. So far there still isn't anything she won't eat and she doesn't seem to have any allergies to any food. She's slowly getting bored with us feeding her so we are always trying to come up with things we can eat that she can feed herself.
Teeth: She has 3 totally in (the third actually came in before she turned 11 months) and several (4-6) on their way. They bother her from time to time, but nothing to serious.
New Words:  uh-oh, Papa, Dog and she is really close to saying Josh
New Tricks: Walking!! She really took off right around her birthday. Blows kisses, throws a ball

Happy 12 months and first birthday Payton Audrey, you mean the world to us!!

It's hard to believe I have done a years worth of monthly posts! I probably won't do another one until we go back to the doctor at 15 months, but we will keep everyone updated with what's going on with our family.

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