Monday, April 11, 2011

1st Birthday Party

Saturday we celebrated Payton's first birthday with family and friends! We ordered Dickey's BBQ had plenty to drink and Kelsey made beautiful cupcakes. The weather was perfect, which is lucky for us as April is one of our big snow months. Payton did really well, she had fun playing with the kids, eating her giant cupcake and opening presents. Kole and I enjoyed visiting with everyone and watching Payton have fun. The party was great! I know I say this a lot, but we are SO blessed to have such wonderful, supportive, loving family and friends and it was nice to celebrate with them and say thank you for everything they have done for us over the last year. Payton is one lucky girl to have so many people that love her.

We took way too many pictures, I maxed out the memory card for the first time ever at one event. I tried to get pictures of everyone that came, these are out of order, but I am too tired to re-arrange them so enjoy!!

The theme of the party was bright colors and cupcakes

The little book on the right is something Aunt Kelsey made special for Payton, it has pictures of their year of Wednesdays together and the sweetest note to Payton. I just loved it and I know Payton will cherish it some day. We love you Aunt Kels and appreciate you more than you will ever know!

Payton didn't really smash her cake like everyone had hoped. I think she was more curious as to why there were 20 people watching her eat! The cake was a lot bigger then I was expecting and not the easiest to smash. She did enjoy it eventually!

We skyped in Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma Audrey, and Great Aunt Lu in Illinois so they could join in the Happy Birthday song and cake-bashing

Payton really enjoyed watching and helping opening presents and playing with all of her new toys. Everyone spoiled her!

Love this picture, so many of the people I love all in the same room!

Jenn and I have been friends since around kindergarten and now our girls share a birthday just a day apart. She made the sweetest book with pictures of Payton from this blog, love you Trujillos!

Saved the best for last... Uncle Brian walked in our house just before the party started and totally surprised us. He's in the Air Force going through pilot training in Texas and we don't get to see much of him. I was so touched that he would make time for us and to celebrate his niece's first birthday that I cried like a baby.

It's hard to believe we are headed in to our second year as parents to such a wonderful daughter, thank you to all of our family and friends for all of the love, support, encouragement and help over the last year. We wouldn't be the same without you, we love you!!!

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