Monday, August 8, 2011


We took a little drive the quaint town of Siena one of the days. It was about an hour away and completely different from the cities we had already seen. Italy was really unique in that way, each town/city was a new experience with it's own personality. One thing was true throughout, buildings are massive while streets and cars are tiny! We walked all through the town, took in the sights, stopped for lunch, did a little shopping and let Payton run crazy in the town square. I just loved being able to walk everywhere and we really enjoyed the sights in Siena.

Siena sits on quite a hill, we walked up and up and up...

Walking down into the town square, it was really cool

We found this church on our walk

Random little bar covered in newspaper

Making friends with little Siena at lunch, how fitting!

Making more friends...

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