Friday, September 30, 2011


Last weekend I joined my immediate family (Kole and Payton stayed home so I could really "be there") for an event that makes us all so very proud. Brian graduated a US Air Force Pilot!!

We flew into Oklahoma City and made the two-hour drive to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, TX. We got to tour the base and get a small peak into what Brian has endured/accomplished/fought for over the last year. It was such a great experience for me to see and to be there for him.

This is the jet Brian and his class have been flying

Friday night there was a really nice ceremony and reception and Saturday we just spent the day hanging out with Brian and his friends at their house.

Getting his wings, this was a very big deal!


Mallorie, the sweet girl Brian is dating

Proud "little" brother

The fam

Brian and some of his classmates

I missed my hubby and baby girl, but they had a nice relaxing weekend at home.

Brian, we love you so much and are so proud of what you have accomplished and the man you are becoming. While it makes me a little nervous to think of you flying and serving in the Air Force, I know that you are realizing your dream and I couldn't be happier for you! Congratulations, you are pretty awesome!!

Harms Family Picnic 2011

 A little over 2 weeks after we returned from Italy we got back on an airplane to head to Illinois to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa for the annual Harms Family Picnic. Payton got in some great time with Dick and Janaan and had a ball at the picnic with all of her little cousins! Kole and I had a nice, relaxing weekend and a great visit with the family. We look forward to the picnic each year and since we won't be back for Christmas this year we were so thankful Grandma and Grandpa made it possible for us to be at the picnic.

It's crazy to think at next year's picnic we will have a little baby along again! 

Big Sister!

Shortly after we got back from Europe we found out that I was pregnant and Payton is going to be a big sister! I was pretty surprised and of course thankful that it happened so quickly. We went for our first appointment on September 6th, when I was 10 weeks along, and were so relieved to see a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat. I am due April 3 2012, and we are thrilled (and a little nervous) to become a family of four!

I'm almost 14 weeks now and heading into my second trimester. I have been feeling pretty sick most days, but it's been in the evenings/nights this time around instead of in the morning like I was with Payton. It makes getting up and getting myself and Payton going in the morning and getting to work easier, but nights have been rough. Poor Kole has been doing more than his fair share after work with Payton and the house, I am so thankful for him, he really is an amazing husband and father. I'm hoping the second trimester will bring some relief, but I am trying to stay focused on the fact it's all worth it to have a healthy baby in April!

Everyone has been asking if we will find out this time whether it's a girl or a boy. I told Kole it was up to him this time around because I was the one who really wanted to wait with Payton. As of now he has decided that we will wait again, which kind of surprised me, but is just fine with me. We'll see if he changes he mind, stay tuned!


After we got back from our European vacation we had plans one Saturday night to meet my family for dinner at Baker St. Pub. Little did I know (seriously I had NO idea) my family and friends were waiting to surprise me to celebrate my 30th birthday! It was such a wonderful, thoughtful surprise that Kole and Kelsey worked hard to put on. I am so flattered that my friends and family would go to the effort to come and surprise me. It was such a fun night and I felt so loved and blessed to have all these great people in my life. Thanks to all for a memorable 30th!!