Saturday, January 14, 2012

3rd Trimester (28 weeks)

I started my third trimester this week which is a pretty big pregnancy milestone. For me it starts the official countdown to meeting this new little one! I have still been feeling pretty good for the most part. I have days where I swell more than others and have had some headaches and nausea, but I felt so much better for far longer this time around so really I'm still not complaining (yet).  I don't sleep very well and end up pretty tired during the day, but there are worse things. At my last appointment I had only gained 2 pounds, my doctor was pleased and I was beyond relieved. I'm not sure I've been as well behaved since then, but I am staying active and eating right when I have the energy so we shall see. I had my glucose test which isn't fun, but I passed so that was good. I have my next appointment in a little over a week and then I start going every two weeks. This pregnancy really is flying by. I feel the baby move all the time and you can now see it when you watch my stomach. The movements are getting pretty strong and I can now tell the difference between limbs and body. We're getting ready to have Grandma and Grandpa come stay with us on Monday for a week to visit, spend LOTS of time loving on Payton, and do a few things in preparation for the new baby. Uncle Kyle will be coming to spend the weekend too. We can't wait for them to get here!

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