Thursday, February 16, 2012

What We Have Been Up To

It's been a month since my last post and I keep meaning to blog, but the days and weeks just keep getting away from me! Rather than do several posts I decided to just recap the last month:

We had Grandpa and Grandma come and stay with us for a whole week! Uncle Kyle joined them for the weekend and we had a wonderful time visiting, doing some work on the house and just relaxing.
Helping Daddy and Grandpa with one of the various projects we did while they were here. We have been working on updating some things on the house and I have been taking before and after pics to use for a future blog post when we are finished.

Trying out her new chair that Grandpa and Grandma gave her for Christmas, she LOVES it!

Cooking with Grandma

More cooking, Grandma and Payton baked cookies as well one day when Kole and I were at work. Payton had a ball and we ended up having to hide the cookies from her because she became obsessed!

Josh's parents, Papa Charles and Marie came for a visit and overlapped Dick and Janaan being here so we all got togehter one night for dinner. Marie made a traditional Southern meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and biscuits, it was yummy! Payton got to hang with them on Wednesday when she was hanging with Aunt Kelsey. Kole and Josh's parents seem to always come really close together, but haven't been here at the same time so it was really fun for them to meet and all spend time together.

Quick pic before they ran to the airport, we never remember to take pictures of Payton with Grandpa and Grandma when we are with them so I grabbed a quick one before they left.

Thank you Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Kyle for hanging with us, loving on Payton and working so hard, I can't wait to post the pictures of everything we did! We love you!!! 

Random pic my mom had on her phone, priceless :)

The weekend after Kole's parents we left we had the treat of having some of my family in town at the end of their ski vacation. My Uncle Mike and some of his family stayed with my mom for a couple of days and we got to visit with them and my cousin Megan and her family. Payton had a blast playing with Wyatt and Scarlett, they were really cute together.

Reading a book with Great Uncle Mike

Watching Cars with Wyatt, he was really sweet to Payton and shared his toys so well

Playing in the snow

Dueling iPhones and a kiss

Best picture we could get of the three of them

Thanks for hanging with us Donahues and Smiths, it was great to see you guys!!

The very next weekend we got hit with a huge snowstorm. The snow started falling Thursday night and didn't really stop until Saturday, I think we got a total of around 18 inches! It was a beautiful snow that cause lots of business and school closures. We got out to play on Saturday while daddy shoveled.

Payton has never been a fan of getting in the snow, she would rather just observe, but I decided it was time to get over that and just "tossed" her in. She was a little upset with me at first, but then she quickly realized it wasn't that scary and ended up having a lot of fun!

6 1/2 weeks and counting until baby number 2 is due! I am trying hard to live in the moment and enjoy the time with Payton and Kole before things get even more crazy. I'm still feeling ok. I still am not really sleeping much at night, but I have gotten pretty used to it by now. I'm only a little swollen at the end of the day which is such a huge relief when compared to this point in my pregnancy with Payton. It's a weird state of mind sometimes to feel "done" with being pregnant, but of course wanting the baby to stay in as long as necessary to be full-term and healthy. Kole, Payton, family, friends, work and just life in general are doing a pretty good job of keeping me distracted and moving forward.

Until next time...

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