Monday, March 19, 2012


Well last Monday I was 37 weeks pregnant which is considered full-term! Everything checked out great at my Dr. appointment. I'm swollen and uncomfortable, but nothing out of the norm for this late in pregnancy. I will be going every Monday now until this little one decides to make an appearance. At my 36 week ultrasound the doctor estimated that the baby was 5lbs 12oz and projected he/she would be about 7lbs 8oz at 40 weeks. He says he usually gets the size within a half a pound and I believe him, but I'm a little skeptical of his guess on this one as Payton was 7lbs 6oz two weeks early. I'm hoping he is right on as that's a great size to deliver. He did say that the head is measuring a little small (music to my ears!) and that the baby is long which doesn't surprise me. Payton was/is long and I've been telling Kole this baby feels long and cramped in there. Still no signs of preeclampsia, which is good news and my doctor doesn't expect that to change. Still no signs of labor either. At this point it's a total waiting game since I was induced with Payton there is no telling what my body will do naturally. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later as I am ready to be finished being pregnant, meet this new little one and find out if we will be having another little girl or if we will get to experience a baby boy, and for Payton to get to be the big sister we have been telling her she gets to be for months now. Send labor vibes our way!!


  1. Best wishes on these last few weeks! I'm sending good labor vibes to you, hoping you don't have to be induced and that it is a relatively easy delivery. Can't wait to "meet" the new Harms on your blog (and eventually when we come back out to CO!).

  2. So exciting! Good luck Shannon!
