Thursday, November 22, 2012

7 Months

Grant turned 7 months old on November 5th. This month was more quiet at our house then the last and it's starting to feel like we are settling in a little better to life with two little ones. Everyone is sleeping great at night. Payton is really helpful when I am home on my own with the kids and Grant is getting better at playing on his own and entertaining himself. The walker the Erchalus handed down has really helped on that one, he can be on his own, but still near the action. The next couple months bring holiday firsts for this little guy and we are looking forward to enjoying them with him and big sis, of course!
Grant Robert @ 7 Months
Measurements: None to report as he doesn't go back to the doctor until 9 months, but he is in 6-12 month, 9 month or 12 month clothing depending on the brand and size 3 diapers. He seems pretty average to me when I see him around other babies his age.
Eating: He is taking a bottle every for hours during the day and is drinking a mix of formula and mom's milk. I switched from nursing to pumping full time shortly after he turned 6 months as it is what works for us right now. Thankfully he doesn't seem to picky about what is in the bottle. He really likes solid food and is eating it usually 2-3 times per day. I think he tried apples and green beans this month and seems to do fine with avocado now. He isn't thrilled about green beans, but will eat them.
Sleeping: He is doing great at night, sleeping from 7-8pm to 7-8am, which is fantastic. Naps are still a struggle, he is just really inconsistent with how long he will sleep and whether or not he has to cry himself there. We put him down for a nap 2-3 times per day and he will sleep anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours (on a rare occasion) usually for a total of only 2 to 2 1/2 hours for the day. I'm trying to accept that he is just not a great napper and be thankful for the long night time stretch! He seems to do fine on little sleep during the day, just gets rough if he goes too long before bed without a catnap.
Tricks: He loves the walker and it only took a few days for him to figure out how to maneuver it to where he wants to go. He is really working on crawling, he will get onto all fours wither on his knees or on his feet and rock back and forth and even go backwards a bit. I have a feeling he will get it in the next month. He says ma ma, da da and ba ba (not really on purpose yet) which is fun to hear. His bottom two teeth are trying their hardest to make an appearance which causes him a little grief, but it's not too bad. He is still a very happy baby, full of smiles and laughs!
Happy 7 months buddy, we love you bunches!!

I love styling his hair in a little fau-hawk
This is the happy little guy we see most of the time :)

Sweet  picture courtesy of Lexi
loving the walker! He really likes to chase the dogs, they don't love that so much

He graduated from the bath chair and thinks it's pretty cool to sit like a big boy and splash!

1 comment:

  1. Levi LOVED the walker at this age. LOVED it...we have a video of him charging down my parents driveway with it...and then Mason cared nothing about it...we'll see what Tyler thinks in a few months.
