Wednesday, December 26, 2012

8 Months

Grant turned 8 months old on December 6th! He continues to keep us on our toes, is full of personality and snuggles and had a month full of firsts.

Grant, at 8 months you:
  • Are crawling everywhere and have been since around Thanksgiving
  • Are starting to pull up on furniture and walk around it
  • Still prefer mom if I'm in sight and have had us paged out of church the last several weeks
  • Still adore your sister and now that you are mobile you will find her if you can and crawl all over her. She's pretty good about it and will get down and wrestle with you a bit
  • Caught your first cold, case of croup, and an ear infection from your sister
  • Sleep 11-13 hours at night and still struggle to nap consistently, but I think we might be getting closer
  • Like to eat food, but are picky about veggies and consistency. Could take or leave your bottle, but don't take a sippy cup quite yet so we have to fight you to drink a lot of the time
  • Are still in size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothing
  • You laugh and smile a lot, but also have a bit of a temper
  • Add so much fun and joy to our family, we love you!!

These are pictures from Children's urgent care where Grant and I made a visit one night. He was obsessed with his little hospital bracelet and hadn't smiled all day until we were sitting in the room waiting for the doctor, such a stinker!

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