Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Photo Shoot

 Liz and Eric came to visit in November and stayed a whole weekend with us. We got to hang out and catch up and even got a photo shoot with Liz which is always a special treat! We took her to downtown Louisville and she loved it as a backdrop. I'm still in awe of how talented she is and she only spent about 20 minutes taking pictures, no lie!! You can see her fabulous work at

Normally we only get to see her for a few hours as she has so many friends to visit when she comes to town, but it was so great to spend a couple of days with she and Eric. It's pretty cool to me that we all met at the same time when they moved into my house back in 2005 and here we are, Kole and I married and all still great friends. We had some great times all living together and have good fun when we see each other :)

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