Monday, January 27, 2014


 Yep, Halloween, I am that far behind. Oh well. Halloween was fun this year, the weather cooperated for the most part. The holidays were especially fun this year since Payton is old enough to understand and anticipate what's coming and Grant just follows her lead. We carved pumpkins with my family at Aunt Kelsey's house, the kids like the finished product, but still aren't really into the carving part.

 I don't know why that picture is sideways... Payton's little preschool had a Halloween party and little parade for the kids. It was pretty cute, she loves her school and I am really happy we chose this one.

 With her little classmates, only 7 in her class this year
 Grant dressed as a monkey thanks to Eli's hand-me-downs and Payton insisted on dressing as Rapunzel again. I tried for a while to talk her into dressing up as something different than last year, but then realized we already had everything and why did I care if she wanted to be the same thing two years in a row? We did get her a wig which was a fun, but annoying addition to the costume.
We continued on our tradition from the last couple years of trick-or-treating with our neighbors/friends. It was pretty windy which sucked, but it didn't slow the kids down. They would have gone all night, Payton loved getting the candy and Grant got pretty excited each time there was a dog at the door, you would think we didn't have two of our own at home... He was pretty funny, he would not let us carry him or his bucket nor would he ride in the stroller, he insisted on walking on his own to every house, it was a slow journey but he made it. He had to be wiped out when we got home.

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