Monday, January 27, 2014


We hosted Thanksgiving this year. We had my family (minus Brian in MS and Kels and Josh and Liam who were in NC) and some friends.
 We had seven kids this year and decided that was enough to warrant a separate kids table. I saw this cute snack idea on Pinterest. Thank goodness for that site, it's so great for someone like me who has no creative vision. My table decor was also Pinterest inspired.

 "helping" Nana make whip cream

 Have no idea what she was doing here...

 Kole worked hard on the turkey, he put it in a brine, stuffed it and baked it. It turned out perfect!

 We had quite the spread, everyone contributed which made it a lot more enjoyable for us.

 I forgot to snap a picture of the desserts before we dug into them, there were plenty to choose from!
It was a wonderful meal shared with family and friends and the kids had a total ball playing with the extra company around. I don't really remember, but I think the weather was ok. I love being home and hosting, but I also look forward to the years where we just show up :)

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