Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Swim

Yesterday we met Jenn and Ashtyn and Ariana and Robby (Jenn's sister in law and nephew) at Lamont Does pool in Lafayette. The weather wasn't the best, it was only about 75 and pretty windy, but we had fun any way! Payton liked the pool which surprised me because it was a lot cooler than her bath water. She only got to spend about 10 minutes in it because I didn't want her to get sun burned. She wore her swimsuit and cover from Aunt Kelsey and looked adorable!! The pictures are from my phone so aren't the best, but Jenn got some with her camera so I'll put those up when she has a chance to send them to me. I need to get in the hang of bringing my camera when I go places.

She crashed right after and took a nap in the stroller.

Jenn is due to have little Eli any day now and we can't wait to meet him. Hurry up little guy, your momma is SO ready!

Payton smiles a lot now and it is the sweetest thing, this picture is from last week, but I just had to put it up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweetness! First swim in such a cute suit! Enjoy it!
