Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Little Eli!

Jenn and Matt welcomed little Eli on Monday June 14th. He weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20 inches long. Payton and I visited him on Tuesday in the hospital and then we all 3 went to visit them on Friday night and brought dinner. Eli is their second, they also have big sister, Ashtyn, who just turned 2. Jenn and I have known each other since we were 5 years old, so it's pretty special that we now have kids that will grow up together. Congrats Trujillo family, he is absolutely perfect! We love you!

Watching TV at the Trujillos

Payton and Eli, 11 weeks apart

They of course had no clue the other existed, but we thought they were pretty cute together!

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