Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6, 2010

Today was a big day in the Harms house. Kole and I celebrated our two year anniversary. Two years ago today we had a beautiful wedding in Golden, CO and spent the day/night with family and friends. I had so much fun that day and I can't believe it has been two years already, I love Kole even more now, which I would have said was impossible had you asked me that day. Building a life together and watching him become a father has been better than I dreamed. I love you babe!!

Little miss Payton turned two months old today, I'll add her stats and what she's up to these days after her appointment tomorrow. Happy two months baby girl, you have brought so much joy to our lives!

2 Months Old
Weight: 10lbs 14oz 53 percentile
Height: 22 inches 37 percentile
What you are up to: Dr. Yeash said you are right on track and doing everything you are supposed to, even a little advanced as far as how interactive you are. You smile a lot when you are laying and playing or when we talk to you. You just started "talking" on purpose to us and often to lights and ceiling fans. You can roll from your back to either side. You are still eating every 2-3 hours during the day but you only eat once during the night and typically sleep for a 6-7 hour stretch before and 3 hours after which we are very thankful for! You like to be outside, swing, your bouncy seat and only like to be in the car/car seat if it's moving. You HATE tummy time and we feel so mean when we make you do it. We have left you with Nana, Poppa and Aunt Kelsey, and in the church nursery and you do just fine. We love having you around and can't really remember life without you! Happy 2 months Payton Audrey!!

We also had Payton's dedication today at church, well it was put on by the church, but held at a park in Louisville. It was a wonderful celebration of our commitment to raise Payton to know God and do everything we can to protect her as well as our family from harm. It was extremely hot, but we survived. We had a picnic lunch to celebrate with my family and some friends that were dedicating their sons.

Cooling off back at home

Eruchalus and Orjis (friends of ours who dedicated their sons)

The sun wore her out!

She's found her hands and figured out how to get them to her mouth, she's now working on keeping them there!

Amber and Williams dedicated 10 month old Obi

Little Joshua


  1. This post made me tear up a bit! I am so happy for you all and CONGRATS Payton - may GOD always bless you! Love you all so much!

  2. So sweet!! Congrats on your TWOs-- anniversary and Payton! And Little Obi is so cute...neat seeing him since I saw him in October and he was SO little!
