Friday, July 15, 2011

15 Months

I can't believe Payton is 15 months old this month, it seemed so far away at her First Birthday!

We went for her 15 month check-up and she is still doing great. She had to get a couple of shots, which is never fun, but she recovers pretty quickly.

15 Month Stats:
Height: 31.5 inches - 82%
Weight: 22 lbs 2 oz - 40%
Head: 18 inches - 46 %

Dr. Yeash said she looks great, is doing everything she is supposed to and then some. He was a little surprised at how friendly she was and how much she was talking (this is no surprise to anyone who spends any time with her).

Payton, at 15 months you :
  • Are a busy little girl and you are at such a fun stage! You get around quickly and have started climbing up and onto anything you can. You still play very well on your own and have been enjoying your new playroom. You just started liking cartoons and it has become part of our morning routine. You play while you watch though. You like pretty much anything on PBS.
  • You talk a lot. You still babble quite a bit, but it seems like you have new words every day. Some new ones recently: happy, love you (only daddy can seem to get this one out of you) please, thank you (you say this when we sneeze too, think you have it confused with "bless you"), ball, ow, nose, eye, mouth. You can make a monkey sound and growl like a lion thanks to Aunt Kelsey. You call for me from your bed in the mornings and after naps which just melts my heart.
  • You know where your nose, eyes, ears, belly button, toes, feet and can point them out on you or someone else.
  • You still nap twice a day for about an hour and a half each, we have tried transitioning you to one nap and it does not work for you right now. You sleep around 11 hours at night from 8-7.
  • You're still a great eater, you will try anything and will eat most anything we give you for meals. You still eat rice cereal for breakfast a lot, you love it and I love what's in it. You are a big breakfast and lunch eater, but eat a light dinner. You drink water and milk out of sippy cups throughout the day - cold!! You still use a pacifier when you are tired or in the car, but we will be done with it in a couple weeks.
  • You still have a very strong (but sweet) personality. We have had to start time-outs already as you tend to want it your way and sometimes respond with hitting and biting when you don't get your way. You don't like time-out, thankfully so it seems to work. You don't like getting your diaper changed or getting ready for bed after bath. You like to brush your teeth and comb your hair.
  • We are getting ready to take you to Europe!! We are going with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Kyle and some other members of daddy's family.
  • You continue to bring so much joy to our lives and we thank God everyday for choosing us to be your parents.

Watching daddy mow, she's always looking for him if she knows he's home

Reading books has become a new fav, I often catch her in her playroom reading to herself

We love you Payton Audrey!!

1 comment:

  1. Payton - You are one adorable little girl! I can't wait to see hear all your new words someday soon! Will you please teach your friend Rilyn how to sleep 11 hours at night and take 2 naps during the must have amazing parents!
